Gwybodaeth a chyngor
Ein gwaith
Cymryd rhan
Amdanom ni
Cysylltu gydag Age Cymru
Map o'r safle
Tudalen ddim ar gael
Newyddion diweddaraf
Age Cymru: Cyflwyno'r Deiseb am y Taliad Tanwydd Gaeaf gyda Age UK
Age Cymru launches groundbreaking toolkit to place residents at the centre of their care
Charity offers support to adults living with dementia in communities across Wales
One in ten older people in Wales will be spending Christmas Day on their own watching TV, finds new research
Sicrhau bod gofalwyr hŷn wrth wraidd cynlluniau gofal iechyd unigol
Ydych chi’n barod i weu? Mae her weu diodydd Innocent yn galw arnoch chi i gefnogi pobl hŷn yng Nghymru
Age Cymru yn cynnal arddangosfa ffotograffig o Ysgogwyr Newid – pobl sy'n herio stereoteipiau am heneiddio ac sy’n arwain y ffordd yn eu maes
Asesiad gan Age UK o'r Effaith ar Gydraddoldeb o doriadau i Daliadau Tanwydd y Gaeaf: Datganiad Age Cymru
Mi fydd un o bob deg person hŷn yng Nghymru’n gwylio’r teledu ar eu pen eu hun dros y Nadolig eleni
Dyddiad cau credyd pensiwn
Mae Age Cymru’n annog pobl i gael eu brechu er mwyn cadw’n ddiogel dros y gaeaf
Age Cymru’s volunteers bringing friendship and joy to lonely older people
Age Cymru urges the south Wales public to donate festive gift boxes for lonely older people
Byddwch yn ddiogel yn ystod Gŵyl Calan Gaeaf
Mae’r gwasanaeth eiriolaeth mewn argyfwng, yn ôl gwaith ymchwil elusen
Mae Pugh’s Garden Villages yn cefnogi gwasanaeth Ffrind Mewn Angen Age Cymru yn ystod y Gaeaf
Fraudsters taking advantage of worries over changes to winter fuel payments
Mae gwaith atal ac ymyrryd ynghylch cwympiadau yn arbed miliynau o bunnoedd i wasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Cymru bob blwyddyn
Llythyr i'r Brif Weinidog ynglŷn a Taliadau Tanwydd Gaeaf
Age Cymru: Taliadau Tanwydd Gaeaf
Age Cymru Cap ar Brisiau Ynni 23 Awst 2024
Datganiad Age Cymru ar Ddarpariaeth Toiledau Cyhoeddus
Mae pobl hŷn yng Nghymru'n colli'r cyfle i hawlio miloedd o bunnoedd o fudd-daliadau
Bydd sioe deithiol Cynghrair Henoed Cymru’n ymweld â Hwlffordd ym mis Medi
Mae Age Cymru'n enwebu Karl Jenkins am wobr 'Ysgogwr Newid' i gydnabod ei waith yn herio stereoteipiau am bob hŷn
Physical health is the most frequently reported challenge facing older people in Wales, Age Cymru survey finds
Ymateb Age Cymru i gyhoeddiad y Canghellor am gyflwyno profion modd ar gyfer taliad tanwydd y Gaeaf.
Mary Lloyd Jones yw enwebiad Age Cymru fel eu Ysgogwr Newid cyntaf
Sioe deithiol Cynghrair Henoed Cymru yn ymweld ag Abertawe ym mis Gorffennaf
Age Cymru’n cynnal hysting yn Gogledd Cymru cyn yr etholiad er mwyn clywed sut fyddai ymgeiswyr yn mynd i’r afael â’r heriau sy’n wynebu pobl hŷn
Age Cymru’n cynnal hysting yn Ne Cymru cyn yr etholiad er mwyn clywed sut fyddai ymgeiswyr yn mynd i’r afael â’r heriau sy’n wynebu pobl hŷn
Annog pleidiau gwleidyddol i wneud bywyd yn well i bobl hŷn yng Nghymru
Llywodraeth Cymru’n ymgynghori ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant, a strategaethau atal hunanladdiad
Mae Age Cymru yn nodi wythnos ymwybyddiaeth unigrwydd gyda stori am sut mae un dyn hŷn yn cadw mewn cysylltiad â'r byd
Gallai hawlio Lwfans Gweini a budd-daliadau eraill helpu miloedd o bobl hŷn yng Nghymru sy’n byw mewn tlodi, meddai Age Cymru
Sioe deithiol Cynghrair Henoed Cymru’n ymweld â Wrecsam ym mis Mehefin
Llythyr at sylw’r Golygydd Annwyl olygydd,
Age Alliance Wales roadshow visiting Llandudno in June
Helpu pobl hŷn i ymdopi â phroblemau bob dydd
Investment in older people’s mental health in Wales not matching demand
Elusen yn mynnu bod angen cyfyngu costau gofal cymdeithasol cynyddol i lefelau chwyddiant
Gwahoddiad i’r Wasg Age Cymru - Sbotolau ar iechyd meddwl pobl hŷn yng Nghymru
Rhybudd i bobl hŷn i fod yn wyliadwrus o fasnachwyr twyllodrus sy’n cymryd mantais o’r newid i’r digidol
Older people's charity hosting a Spring Wellness event at Y Gaer Museum, Glamorgan Street, Brecon
Older people's charity hosting a Spring Wellness event at the Dewi Sant Centre in Pensarn, Conwy
Age Cymru’n lansio eu pumed arolwg o brofiadau pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru
Elusennau pobl hŷn yn cynnal digwyddiad Lles y Gwanwyn yn warws Riverside yng Nglan yr afon, Caerdydd
Elusennau pobl hŷn yn cynnal digwyddiad Lles y Gaeaf yn Hi Tide ym Mhorthcawl
Elusennau pobl hŷn yn cynnal digwyddiad Lles y Gwanwyn yn Theatr Glan yr Afon yng Nghasnewydd
Mae newyddiadurwraig sydd wedi ymddeol yn annog pawb sydd â rhywfaint o amser sbâr i fynd ati i wirfoddoli
Mae elusennau'n rhybuddio pobl hŷn yn erbyn inswleiddio eu llofftydd gydag ewyn inswleiddio
Cyngor i bobl hŷn ynglŷn â chadw'n ddiogel, yn gynnes ac yn iach yn ystod cyfnodau oer
Y Nadolig hwn, byddwch yn gymydog da i bobl hŷn yn eich cymuned
Er bod cyfnod y Nadolig yn gwneud i lawer o bobl deimlo’n unig, i nifer mae unigrwydd yn effeithio arnynt drwy gydol y flwyddyn.
Dros gyfnod y Nadolig, mae unigrwydd yn effeithio ar filoedd o bobl hŷn ledled Cymru
Age Cymru yn cynnal digwyddiad Lles yn ystod y Gaeaf yn Amgueddfa Aberystwyth
Argyfwng costau byw yn gorfodi llawer o bobl hŷn i barhau i weithio
Mae gwasanaethau bancio wyneb yn wyneb yn hanfodol i bobl hŷn fedru byw bywyd llawn ac annibynnol
Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn hawlio'ch holl hawliau
Elusen yn tynnu sylw at sut mae cadw eich hun a'ch cartref yn gynnes y gaeaf hwn yn medru helpu eich iechyd
Dewch i wirfoddoli ar gyfer ein gwasanaeth cyfeillio dros y ffôn, Ffrind Mewn Angen, er mwyn arbed person hŷn rhag teimlo’n unig
Mae Age Cymru yn annog cyhoedd gogledd Cymru i roi blychau anrhegion Nadoligaidd i bobl hŷn unig
Elusen yn tynnu sylw at fanteision cadw eich hun a'ch cartref yn gynnes y gaeaf hwn
Elusen yn galw am sicrwydd bod gweithgareddau artistig a diwylliannol ar gael ym mhob cartref gofal yng Nghymru
Gall plant chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth helpu pobl hŷn i leihau’r perygl o gwympo, medd y Tasglu Cenedlaethol
Reduced bus services could increase loneliness and isolation amongst older people, warns Age Cymru
Mae Age Cymru’n rhybuddio gallai lleihau gwasanaethau bws gynyddu unigrwydd ac ynysigrwydd ymhlith pobl hŷn.
Letter to editor - Help us to improve the lives of older people in Wales
Age Cymru and Age Cymru Gwynedd a Môn showcasing an array of services and activities at this year’s National Eisteddfod in Llŷn and Eifionydd
Mae pobl hŷn ledled Cymru’n aros yn hirach am asesiadau gofal cymdeithasol, yn ôl adroddiad Age Cymru
Age Cymru welcomes the new Digital and Data Strategy for Health & Social Care in Wales but urges caution – 27 July 2023
Statement given to the Newyddion website re access to dentistry
Elusen yn lansio cwrs llesiant sydd wedi cael ei ysbrydoli gan fyd natur ar gyfer pobl dros 50 oed ym Maesteg
Age Cymru yn dod â lle arddangos ‘The Cube’ i Ysbyty’r Barri.
Ysgol yng Nghaerdydd sydd â ffocws arbennig ar bobl hŷn yn casglu £177 ar gyfer Age Cymru
Age Cymru highlights the importance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Age Cymru’n cefnogi Wythnos Weithredu'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau
Unigrwydd a phobl hŷn: Os ydych chi neu rywun rydych chi’n nabod yn unig, cysylltwch ag Age Cymru
Age Cymru welcomes the new approach to tackle diabetes and improve care from the Welsh Government
Age Cymru welcomes Welsh Government’s announcement to invest up to £30 million in community care
Bathodynnau Glas: mae angen i awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru hyrwyddo dewisiadau amgen heblaw ffurflenni cais ar-lein
Mae cwmnïau rhwydwaith ynni ac elusennau blaenllaw yn dod at ei gilydd i gefnogi pobl hŷn
Mae pobl hŷn sy'n byw mewn cartrefi oddi ar y grid yn cael eu hannog i wneud cais am gymorth o £400 erbyn 31 Mai
Nearly 70 older people Nordic Walk around Bute Park to celebrate National Walking Month
Gŵyl Gwanwyn 2023: Dathlu creadigedd byd natur, a natur creadigedd ymhlith pobl hŷn
Elusennau’n lansio cwrs llesiant 12-wythnos ar gyfer pobl dros 50 oed yng nghefn gwlad Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Age Cymru urges pensioners on low incomes to put in a claim for pension credit without delay
Elusen yn lansio canllaw i helpu pobl hŷn i fynnu eu holl hawliau
Gŵyl Gwanwyn 2023: Dathlu sut gall byd natur ysbrydoli creadigrwydd ymhlith pobl hŷn
Datganiad ynglŷn â'r gwahaniaethau mewn rhestrau aros rhwng Cymru a Lloegr Rhaglen Sunday Politics BBC Wales
Letter to editors: Over 50s invited to complete Age Cymru’s What Matters to You survey
Motorcycle ride honouring army despatch riders named after former WW2 Pembrokeshire veteran
Mae pobl hŷn sydd yn byw mewn cartrefi nad ydynt ar y grid yn cael eu hannog i wneud cais am gymorth o £400 erbyn 31 Mai
Elusen yn apelio ar bobl i ymuno â’i hymgyrch codi arian
Age Cymru yn lansio ei bedwerydd arolwg blynyddol ar gyfer pobl dros 50 yng Nghymru
Pobl hŷn yng Nghymru yn cael eu hannog i sicrhau bod ganddynt ddogfen adnabod â llun arno er mwyn iddyn nhw barhau i fedru pleidleisio mewn etholiadau yn y dyfodol.
Age Cymru’s response to today’s budget
Forest arts programme launching for the over 50s in Bridgend
Join Age Cymru’s Older People’s Consultative Forum - Letter to Editors
Galwadau helaeth am gefnogaeth ychwanegol er mwyn helpu pobl hŷn i ffynnu yn y gweithle.
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi: Dathlu amrywiaeth ymhlith pobl hŷn yng Nghymru
Nid yw miloedd o aelwydydd sydd â mesuryddion rhagdalu traddodiadol wedi defnyddio eu talebau ynni
Elusen yn annog pobl hŷn i hawlio £200 wrth Gynllun Cymorth Tanwydd y Gaeaf cyn iddo ddod i ben ar ddiwedd y mis.
Digwyddiad: Sbotolau ar gyflogaeth a phobl hŷn – Senedd Cymru, Caerdydd, 31 Ionawr 2023
Cyngor i bobl hŷn am sut i gadw'n ddiogel ac yn iach yn ystod cyfnod o dywydd oer
Mis Ionawr yn fis da i gynllunio tu hwnt i 60
I’w rannu ar unwaith Rhyddhau pobl hŷn o'r ysbyty heb becynnau gofal
Ymateb i South Wales Argus Parthed: Pobl hŷn yn cael eu derbyn i’r ysbyty yn dioddef o hypothermia oherwydd costau gwresogi
Y Nadolig hwn bydd yr anoddaf erioed oherwydd yr argyfwng costau byw, meddai bron i draean o bobl dros 65 oed yng Nghymru
Carers Rights Day 2022: Charities highlight ‘A one stop guide for older carers in Wales’
Age Cymru volunteers commended at GAVO 2022 awards
Safeguarding older people in Wales from abuse and neglect
Age Cymru’s response to today’s Autumn Statement:
Autumn Statement: Charity urges the chancellor to reinstate the triple lock and raise benefits in line with inflation
Age Cymru launches its Spread the Warmth campaign to support older people through the winter months
Armistice Day 11 November 2022: Age Cymru Dyfed and ITV Wales share a film exploring the memories of five veterans in Wales who served during WWII
Older people need the triple lock reinstated and benefits to rise in line with inflation
Letter to Editor Re: Reinstating the triple lock on state pensions
Enabling older people to enjoy the Halloween and Bonfire celebrations
Age Cymru urges the Welsh public to donate festive gift boxes to help make Christmas a little brighter for lonely older people
Age Cymru calls on the new PM to protect the triple lock
Age Cymru Statement on World Osteoporosis Day 2022
Age Cymru report highlights delays in social care
Apply for pension credit by 18 August to get £650 cost-of-living payment
Help Age Cymru support older people through the cost-of-living crisis
Deputy minister highlights the importance of human rights for older people at the 2022 National Eisteddfod
Join our Culture Club and help isolated older people visit cultural sites across Cardiff and the Vale
Showcasing the importance of human rights for older people at the 2022 Eisteddfod
Charity welcomes the launch of the new Welsh Government Fuel Support Scheme
Hot weather spell - advice for older people
Age Cymru recruiting volunteers to work in care homes across Wales
Age Cymru’s response to the Census Data release for Wales
Take the Big Step challenge and help Age Cymru support older people across Wales
Age Cymru statement on the lack of care workers
Nearly two thirds of older people struggled to access healthcare during springtime
Journal shines a spotlight on older people in the workplace
Unpaid older carers experienced a huge surge in responsibilities during the pandemic, finds Age Cymru survey
Age Cymru's response to the Westminster Government's announcement on support packages
Energy price cap rise: Age Cymru calls for immediate support from the Westminster Government
Advocacy provision in Wales on the increase, finds report
Why some older people may need to prepare for Digital Switchover
165,000 older households in Wales will be unable to cover their essential spending this year, warns Age Cymru
Charity celebrates creativity in older age with its annual Gwanwyn Festival
This is Older: photography exhibition celebrating the diverse lives of older people Oriel, Senedd 23 April – 25 May 2022
The prestigious Wizz Air Cardiff Half Marathon: team up with Age Cymru this autumn
Age Cymru welcomes the Welsh Government's decision to extend the Winter Fuel Support Scheme to older people claiming Pension Credit
Age Cymru's statement on the conflict in Ukraine
Letter to Editors: National survey of the pandemic for the over 50s in Wales
National survey of the pandemic landscape for the over 50s in Wales launched
Volunteers needed to join our Culture Club and help isolated older people visit cultural sites across Wales
Ruby Wax to headline Age Inclusion Conference
Response to the Welsh Government’s Winter Fuel Support Scheme announcement
Further challenges facing older people in 2022
Nearly 87,000 older people expect to feel lonely this Christmas
Jingle Bake for Age Cymru this Christmas
Charity calls for the public to donate Christmas gift boxes for older people across Wales
The remarkable story of how Age Cymru’s friendship scheme rekindled the Welsh language in an 83 year old valleys woman
Age Cymru’s quote on the launch of the Welsh Government’s Strategy for Older People – 30 sept 2021
Charity seeking volunteers to support families visiting care homes Letter to ed¦ 20 Sept 2021
Age Cymru quote on falls and deteriorating eye sight - 20 Sept 2021
Age Cymru’s response to the Welsh Government’s announcement to provide £48million for the social care sector
The Big Step - Age Cymru launches its fundraising drive for October
Official statement
Carers event for the over 50s in the Aberdare area
Falls amongst older people can have a devastating impact but they are not an inevitable part of ageing
Tell Me Moore
Cashless Parking Comment
Celebrating the work of Project 360 ahead of Armed Forces Day on 26 June 2021
Claim all your benefit entitlements says charity - 21 June 2021
Sporting Memories - 11 June 2021
Bank closures – comment to South Wales Argus 3 June 2021
Lockdown survey provides an insight into what older people need to emerge from pandemic
Older carers survey
Retired IT consultant keeping older people fit, healthy and connected during lockdown
Age Cymru seeks assurances for older people unable to complete Settled Status applications
Older people's charity launches its Manifesto 2021 ahead of the Senedd elections
Woolly warriors needed in Wales for the innocent Big Knit - 27 April 2021
Woolly warriors needed in Gwynedd a Mon for the innocent Big Knit - 27 April 2021
Age Cymru's comment on second dose vaccines - 12 March 2021
Age Cymru's Question Time Event - 23 March 2021
Project to bring HOPE to older people in Monmouthshire - 2 March 2021
Over 50s urged to plan for their future
Age Cymru response regarding health boards' communications with older people
Care Home Guide - south Wales version
Care Home Guide - north Wales edition
Care Home Guide
Statement on survey results
Letter to Editor
Supporting older people during challenging times
Carols at Christmas
70% of older people had difficulty accessing health services during pandemic
Age Cymru dismayed by Welsh Government’s omission of older people in its Covid 19 reconstruction plans
Letter to editors inviting bids for veterans' grants
Older People's Day 2020
Age Cymru backs call for action to support safe care home visits
Tell us your story - Age Cymru seeks older people's views of the Covid 19 lockdown
Letter to editors re Covid 19 survey
Improving the portrayal of older people in the media - Letter to Editor
Comment to BBC Wales News online on the ending of shielding in Wales
Comment on testing for domiciliary care staff
Age Cymru responds to BBC announcement that they will end free TV licences for most over 75s next month
New national project to focus on the needs of older carers
Mae Age Cymru yn lansio gwasanaeth cyfeillgarwch dros y ffôn o'r enw Ffrind Mewn Angen
Friend In Need telephone friendship service
Accessing cash safely – advice for older people during Covid 19
Tribute to our friend Phyllis
Covid 19 crisis: Age Cymru makes more than 2,000 reassurance calls to the over 70s in Wales
Older people being pressurised into signing do not attempt CPR forms - Joint Statement from Age Sector Organisations
Joint statement on the rights of older people in the UK to treatment during this Pandemic
Supermarket delivery problems - Age Cymru's response
Joint statement on COVID-19: Age Cymru and Older People’s Commissioner
Investment needed to make communities age friendly, finds survey
New chair for Age Cymru
Falls Awareness Week
2010 - 2020: a decade of opportunity, challenge and kindness for older people in Wales
Pensioners urged to keep safe, warm and well this winter
Age Cymru launches framework for commissioning independent professional advocacy for adults
Age Cymru appeals to north Wales public to donate Christmas gift boxes for care home residents
Veterans aged 60 and over urged to ask about military pensions
Age Cymru and Business in the Community Cymru has teamed up to deliver the Age at Work programme across Wales.
Access to Banking: Age Cymru's Response to National Assembly for Wales Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report
Veterans aged 60 and over urged to ask about military pensions
Age Cymru to host winter information day in Rhyl
Charity advises older people to take a few simple steps look after themselves as heatwave hits Wales over the bank holiday
Pop up cinema event to celebrate positive ageing
More than 50 older people Nordic Walk across Cardiff Bay to celebrate Age Positive Week
Media Invitation - Age Cymru’s Nordic Walk - Monday 30 September 2019 – 10am
High Court pensions ruling for older women
Transport for Wales makes bus pass application forms readily available for citizens
Charity advises older people to take a few simple steps look after themselves as heatwave hits Wales over the bank holiday
Only one day to go before mixed-age couples lose the chance to claim benefits worth up to £35,000 because of pension credit rule change
Free TV licences: Age Cymru writes to Conservative politicians ahead of leadership hustings in Cardiff
Welsh Public tells government to keep its manifesto promise and continue to fund free TV licences for Welsh pensioners
Our response to Care Inspectorate Wales reviews on local authority performances regarding Deprivation of Liberties
Welsh pensioners to rally in Cardiff on TV licence changes
Charity urges pensioners to look after themselves as heatwave hits Europe
£400,000 National Lottery funding for older workers in Wales
Wales & West Housing donates more than £35,000 to help
National conference providing a platform for older people’s voices in Wales
Ministerial Round Table on fuel poverty
Age Cymru presents on funding social care in the future at the Cardiff Business School
Charity pays tribute to its team of wonderful volunteers
Pension benefit changes - backdated claims available until 13 August 2019
Older people from across Wales to descend on Porthcawl for annual conference and rally
Welsh charity helped older people claim more than £6.5 million in benefits last year
Age Cymru's response to the tragic case of Joy Worrell
Charity launches journal on Keeping voice, choice and control when growing older in Wales
From Caernafon to Cardiff and from Whitland to Wrexham there will be an explosion of art and creativity amongst the over 50s in Wales during the merry month of May
Allocation of blue badges – an essential lifeline for many older people, has become a post code lottery in Wales
Help us introduce more older people to the arts and culture, committee told
Age Cymru urges older people to claim pension credit and housing benefit before government changes rules in May
The challenges facing carers of older veterans
Pensioner helps launch thermometer cards reminding older people to keep their homes safe and warm
Ask About Advocacy
Unpaid carers amongst armed forces veterans – tell us about your life
Meet and Greet Day in Pontypridd
The Prince of Wales to visit Neath care home hosting ground breaking arts project for residents with dementia
Falls Awareness Week
Defence Secretary visits Woody’s Lodge in the Vale of Glamorgan
Age Cymru and South Wales Police join forces to combat scams against older people
Follow Phyllis’ advice and protect yourself from the cold weather
Run for older people at one of the UK's fastest marathons and 10k races
Join the campaign to save free TV for older people
Response to £35m funding boost for NHS winter pressures
Volunteers bring early festive cheer to north Wales pensioners
Meirion Hughes Memorial
Opening of a new veterans’ centre (Woody’s Lodge)
Older peoples’ groups invited to bid for winter celebration grants
Grants available for groups celebrating creativity in older age
Age Cymru responds to new NEA Report
Welcoming the Welsh Government’s launch of a national conversation on what can be done to tackle inequalities and poverty experienced by disabled people
Age Cymru welcomes Welsh Government consultation on loneliness
Winter Celebration Grants launched
Opening of a new veterans’ centre (Woody’s Lodge)
Age Cymru responds to new NEA report 'Under one roof"
Grants available for groups celebrating creativity in older age
Supporting retired police officers at Woody’s Lodge centres for military veterans
New chair for older people’s national charity
Celebrate Age Positive Week with Age Cymru
New course enabling the over 50s to enjoy Carmarthenshire countryside through Nordic Walking
Veterans aged 65 or over: help us build a picture of your needs and aspirations
Community services vital to combating loneliness and isolation amongst older people, says Age Cymru
Comment on the drop in bus mileage in Wales13 February 2018
Chance for older people to shape charity’s priorities
Opportunity to chair one of Wales’ leading national charities - Deadline May 2018
Get ready for an explosion of creativity in older age with the Gwanwyn Festival during May 2018
Gwanwyn Festival 2018 - celebrating creativity in older age
Charity launches grant scheme to tackle isolation and loneliness – Deadline: 14 May 2018
Care home placements: Costs overriding older people’s basic human rights, says charity
Opportunity to chair one of Wales’ leading national charities - May deadline
Advice to help keep us driving beyond the age of 70
New chief executive for Age Cymru
Look out for the flamboyant bus tour in Cardiff on Saturday
TV comic leads Ystradgynlais workshops as part of a Wales-wide arts festival for the over 50s
Pensioners gather in Porthcawl for national conference with Vaughan Gething AM as guest speaker
Chwilio Age Cymru
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